Sander van Laar Nederland, b. 1979


"Dream, dare, and just do it…"

Sander van Laar (born 1979) is a professional photographer with a deeply rooted passion for modern still life, which he shapes in an autonomous way. In 2012, he began creating lush digital bouquets and adding a contemporary flair to ancient objects. Crafting these contemporary still lifes still captivates Sander.


This digital artist’s still lifes shine far beyond Europe due to his emotional journey of uncompromising dedication and boundless creativity. His admirers in the United States and Asia would undoubtedly agree.


The award bestowed upon him in 2017 by undeniable giants of photography such as Erwin Olaf and Govert de Roos not only deeply moved Sander but also opened doors to countless exhibitions and galleries. Highlights include La Carrousel in the Louvre (Paris) and the Mauritshuis (The Hague), both in 2023.