Lis Sam Tunesië, b. 1989


"Like the fleeting beauty of a butterfly, the beauty of a woman is timeless and indestructible."

Born in 1989 in sun-drenched Tunisia, Lis Sam is a self-taught master who enchantingly weaves nature and feminine beauty into his artworks. His artistic journey blossomed in France, inspired by a special experience in a butterfly greenhouse in southern France. This encounter led to his acclaimed project "Blossoming Girls".

Sam's portraits are made up of thousands of cut butterflies, applied at different depths/heights. From a distance, you see a stunning portrait, while up close, the viewer is surprised by the countless tiny butterflies that combine to form a dynamically fascinating art object. This unique approach celebrates the fleeting beauty of life, the results are artworks that leave an indelible deep impression. Each work by Lis Sam resonates with a vibrant energy and sucks the viewer in to embrace the impermanence of existence.