Joséphine België, b. 1964


After 17 years in front of the classroom as a science teacher, Myriam Josephine Struman (Waterloo, 1964) decided to pursue her passion for painting under the name ‘Josephine’ in 2015. In 2018, she picked up photo sculpture in plexiglass in the process. Plexiglass grew to become Josephine's artistic signature.

Working with plexiglass not only allows Josephine to express her talent for combining colours and textures, but also her scientific background. For no matter how diverse her works are, they always form a harmonious, geometric whole. The four-dimensional way of seeing that sets Joséphine apart is important in all her creations.

The contemporary design series ‘Inside’ is the unique result of the collaboration with her daughter, who is a photographer. It is a photographic introspection based on Joséphine's original work, in which she takes a photograph taken by her daughter as a background. The result is a completely new work. The photograph provides the colour, the volume of the cubes creates the relief and time is brought into the work by the light breaking out of the cubes.

Although Joséphine takes broad inspiration, her sources of inspiration are always Belgian. Her artworks refer to various elements of Belgian culture, for example train stations and postcodes.